Marilyn Monroe’s wedding gowns changed in accordance with her views on fashion and men. There were three wedding looks: from a modest girl to a feminine and elegant lady. Marilyn Monroe first married in despair, because she did not want to live in a shelter. The first husband of 16-year-old Marilyn, then Norma Jeane Baker, became James Dougherty, who gave her a home. A modest long lace wedding dress with long sleeves, a veil of medium length and a pearl necklace were not illustrative of the well-known actress. Marilyn’s outfit at the second wedding was a landmark in the history of wedding fashion. At the time of marrying baseball player Joe DiMaggio, the actress was already popular all over the world and became a real fashion icon. Contrary to wedding traditions, she wore a dark brown suit: a midi pencil skirt and a jacket with a white collar and white buttons. No one expected to see the sex symbol of the time wearing such an outfit, which was immediately called the “high school uniform”. The family relationship of “Mr. and Mrs. America”, as the press named the couple, lasted for only 9 months due to the insane jealousy of Joe. The third husband was the playwright Arthur Miller. Officially they got married on June 29, 1956, and then two days after that, they held a Jewish wedding ceremony (Arthur was Jewish). The bride wore an elegant ivory dress with semitransparent sleeves and drapery on the front, which favorably accentuated her hourglass figure. That marriage was the longest and lasted for almost 5 years.
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